This problem can be caused if the WiFi network has certain ports locked down by the network's administrator. Service might seem intermittent because it fails when connected to that network. For proper functioning, StreetWise needs to have access to the following ports:
•Port 881
•Port 888
•Port 889
It is a particular problem for StreetWise CADlink and StreetWise Responder if port 889 is locked down. StreetWise on the mobile devices uses port 889 to communicate to the main StreetWise servers. It is also a problem for StreetWise SmartBoard if port 881 or 888 is locked down, since it uses these ports to get live updates for the screen. If the agency’s IT personnel have preemptively locked out ports 881, 888 or 889 for security reasons, these ports will need to be reopened in order for StreetWise to use that WiFi network. Contact your WiFi network security administrator.